“Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking” - World Autism Awareness Day .

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder which affects communication and socialisation. As well as repetitive behaviours and restricted interests.

Children and adults with autism spectrum disorder have a wide range of abilities. Some people cannot speak at all and many have delayed or limited verbal communication. Some are greatly impaired in their cognitive thinking while others are extremely gifted.https://cgd-sharia.blogspot.com/2022/04/inclusive-quality-education-for-all.html

This year 2023, World Autism Awareness Day 2023 theme is  

"Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking" - 

We are moving away from the narrative of curing or converting autistic people and instead focusing on accepting, supporting and including autistic people, and advocating for their rights. This is a major transformation for all autistic people, their allies, the wider neurodiversity community and the world at large. It enables autistic people to claim their dignity and self-esteem, and to become fully integrated as valued members of their families and societies.

It also makes it possible to focus attention on the contributions that autistic people make to the world, as this year’s World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) observance will do, focusing in particular on their contributions in the home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking.

Autistic people do, nevertheless, still face discrimination and other challenges. As with all populations, autistic people have a wide range of talents and challenges that are often not recognized by the world they are born into. In addition, the levels of awareness and acceptance vary dramatically from country to country. We must also recognize that autistic people are especially vulnerable to the major upheavals to routines and daily lives that we witness all around us, such as pandemics, wars and natural disasters.

“Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking” 

a call to bring up awareness about autism, thus accepting and supporting autistic people in the society.

‘এমন বিশ্ব গড়ি, অটিজম বৈশিষ্ট্যসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তির প্রতিভা বিকশিত করি’।

#AutisticPeoplesRights is #HumanRights



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