
Motor Development and Sensory Development (Infant to Early Childhood)

The foundation of growth, development, and learning in a child starts with sensory and motor interaction with the world. The brain is built from the bottom up and this starts with movement and sensory exploration Motor   Development Gross motor skills involve the ability to use large muscle for movement such as lifting the head, crawling, or walking. These skills begin to develop in infancy and early childhood. Sensory   Development Sensory skills, such as taste, touch, visions, hearing and smell development and exploration. Infants explore with their mouth and progress to exploring with the hands. Sensory skills become more refined in early childhood. Jean Piaget was a 20th century forward - thinking psychologist who focused his COGNITIVE studies on children . He found that children think in a completely different way than adult, a truly remarkable find since many  <script async src="//"></sc

Child Abuse

Child abuse is a terrible epidemic that we at child help are dedicated to put an end to . To do this , we need to first increase awareness of the issue itself . <script async src="//"></script> <script>      (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({           google_ad_client: "ca-pub-4280545194065456",           enable_page_level_ads: true      }); </script> What is child abuse ? Child abuse is when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to act, causes injury , death, emotional harm or risk of serious harm to a child. There are many forms of child maltreatment, including neglect , physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse. Physical Abuse : Physical abuse of child is when a parent or caregiver causes any non-accidental physical injury to child. There are many signs of ph

"What is beautiful is Good"

Good looks can get you far in life--- But psychologists say there ate unrecognised pitfalls for the beautiful. Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone. At the most superficial level, beauty might be thought to carry a kind of halo around it, we see that some one has one good attribute, and by association, our subconscious assumes that they have been blessed in other departments too. " It's one of many status characteristics that can identify very early in our interaction." To psychologist this is called this as " the bubble". Combing through decades of findings, social psychologists Lisa Stettery Walker and Tonya Frevert at University of North Carolina at Charlotte have reviewed all the evidence to date - and their conclusions are not what you might expect . Jon Hamm's character is remarkably is competent, yet manages to live in blissful self - delusion thanks to his good looks. As a doctor , for example

WOMEN'S Rights And International Women's Day - 2015

While there has been much progress towards women's rights over the decades , many gaps remain . Women's Rights Women's rights is the fight for the idea that women should have equal rights with men. Over history, this has taken the form of gaining property rights, the women's suffrage or right of women to vote, reproductive rights, and the right to work for equal pay. Women's Rights movement Timeline : Important events in the struggle for women's liberation in the United States. Pre - Settlement : Iroquois women have the power to nominate - and depose - council elders and chiefs. 1647 : Margaret Brent demands two votes from the Maryland Assembly : one as a landowner and as the legal representative of the colony's proprietor, Lord Baltimore she is refused. 1790 : New Jersey gives the vote to " all free inhabitants of the state" . It is revoked from women in 1807. 1838 : Kentucky allows widows to vote in