
Responsibility Of Genes

Some of genes are responsible for determining physical and mental traits, such as : Height, Hair Color, Size and Shape of the nose, Intelligence, Artistic Talent and Temperament  Some of the genes are Dominant , other are Recessive. After conception, genes cannot be changed or traded for different ones. Raising family and social awareness: Follow my Facebook page   https://www.facebookcom/cgd0074/ Email : #SayNotoDRUGS #Compulsorypremaritalhealthscreening #STOPchildabuse #DepressedPersonsHasthe Right t odreamtheirownways (Depressed person is not a  burden for your family,  it is your responsibility to love  and care them) My concern to reach this  massage to everyone..  #SayNotoRacism   #SayNotoPainkillers #AvoidPainkillerstoSaveYourKidneyandLiver Use natural painkiller remedy " No  " pain goes without side effects. Get relief from Osteochondrosis and Migraine. Detox your body from toxin and keep balanced hormone.?  Lavender Dreamyy   fb page https://www.f

The Hereditary Package

Within the sex cells of every man and woman are twenty-three pairs of Chromosome. A Chromosome   is a threadlike structure that has strings of tiny particles called Genes . The Genes are the true carriers of Heredity. Chromosomes and gender Human cells (except spermatozoa and ova) have 23 pairs of chromosomes, giving a total of 46 chromosomes; this is known as the diploid number. During cell division (mitosis), the diploid number is maintained. The chromosomes in the first 22 pairs – the autosomes – are the same in both sexes. The 23rd pair determines the gender of the individual; its two chromosomes are called the sex chromosomes (VanPutte et al, 2017). In most people, sex chromosomes come in one of two combinations: XX = female; XY = male. As female cells only contain X chromosomes, ova will only ever contain X chromosomes. However, male cells always contain both X and Y chromosomes, so spermatozoa can have either an X or Y chromosome associated with them. Roughly equal numbers of

What Happens At Conception :

At the moment of conception a sex cell of father , called a Spermotozoon , unites with a sex cell of the mother , called an Ovum , and fertilizes it. Sperm meets egg, egg meets uterus, and boom: pregnancy.  It's much more complicated than “sperm meets egg” Only a tiny fraction of the sperm that entered the vagina make it to the fallopian tube. It takes about 6-12 days for the fertilized egg to travel to the uterus and attach to the uterus in a process known as implantation . This is what most of us learn about how a pregnancy happens. While that is the bare bones of how conception works, there’s a lot going on in a person’s body that helps—or sometimes hinders—conception.  H ere, you will know what different parts of the body are doing at different times to prepare for pregnancy when it occurs from penis-vagina sex or from other forms of insemination , such as artificial insemination.  Be prepared: bodies, sperm, and eggs do a lot of work to achieve a pregnancy. Before diving into

Conception(Planing and preparing for parenthood)

Creating a pre-pregnancy plan can be exciting yet nerve-wracking, sometimes causing anxiety in hopeful mothers and couples who are attempting to conceive for the very first time. Before conception couple should begin some preparation for parental role. Three important areas of this preparation are :  🔵Physical well-being,  🔵psychological health and 🔵financial security. The most important preparation after confirming the pregnancy : 🔵Medical check ups, 🔵Health care during pregnancy, 🔵Medicine during pregnancy,  🔵Choosing a hospital and 🔵Choosing a name for baby. Well-informed preconception planning reduces risks to you and your future child, increasing your chances of conception for a healthy pregnancy.  When preparing for your pregnancy with a preconception strategy that works for you, you want to understand a few fundamentals beforehand. Raising family and social awareness: Follow my Facebook page   https://www.facebookcom/cgd0074/ Email : #SayNotoDRUGS #C