Breast Self-Exam should be carried out once a month after a period has finished, for women who’ve already finished the Menopause
B reast self-exams are important in the early detection of possible breast cancer . One out of every 8 women will present with breast cancer, this being the highest incidence in 50 years. It should be noted that only 5% of breast cancers are hereditary and that 1% of men also suffer from the condition. Breast Self-Exam should be carried out once a month after a period has finished, for women who’ve already finished the menopause, a set day each month should be used to do the check. The first self-exam you do should be done very slowly. Steps to follow in a breast self-exam: Step 2 in a breast self-exam: The next step is to raise your arms and check that the contour of each breast is uniform and that both look the same. Check your armpits with your arms by your side. Step 3 in a breast self-exam: Step 4 in a breast self-exam: Step 5 in a breast self-exam: Step 6 in a breast self-exam: Next, feel each breast in turn in circular movements using the finger pads of y...