
Showing posts from September, 2017

Lets Talk!!! Teenagers face real problems daily basis

Teenagers face real problems daily basic Erik  Homburger Erikson (American-German Developmental Psychologist and Psychoanalyst) call this age Identity vs Role Confusion - at ( age of 12 to early 18) puberty, childhood ends and adulthood begins. The critical problem at this stage is to find one's identity. Failure with this stage leads to role confusion and despair.      style="display:block; text-align:center;"      data-ad-layout="in-article"      data-ad-format="fluid"      data-ad-client="ca-pub-4280545194065456"      data-ad-slot="4969231907"> Teenagers face real problem daily basic : - Self-esteem and body image stress - Bullying - Depression - Cyber addiction - Smoking - Teen Pregnancy and Under age sex - Child Abuse - Peer pressure and competition - Eating disorder Talking to your Teenagers <script async src="//

Let's Talk!!!!!

Counseling for Parents and Teenagers Subject: Child Care and Guidance A sk your questions / Share your problems (Language- English / Bengali) D ear Parents, - All parents need a little advice now and then. Take care of yourself and your growing family by getting the advice that all new parents-to-be need. - Learn how to understand and deal with your child's changing body and mind from infancy through puberty. - Get the knowledge on parenting basics like discipline, homework help, and how to talk to your child about subjects, like sex, tobacco and alcohol D ear Teens, - Due to physical changes you probably have a lot of questions about it. You have no reason to worry, Share  your problems to me. Let's Talk!!!!